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Leigh Robinson Kerr & Associates, Inc.
MainStreet @ Coconut Creek
Kerr & Associates is providing Land Use Amendment services. The project is a “Town and Country Village” mixed-use project characterized by lush landscaping and extensive public spaces that include courtyards, small harbors, fountains and art. The proposed project includes interconnected street networks and a safe and attractive pedestrian environment with a significant commitment to streetscapes and a balance  of pedestrian, bicycle and auto traffic.
Kerr & Associates provided Land Use and Text Amendments and DRI services. Westerra is a 100-acre Local Activity Center located in Sunrise, FL approved for a mix of uses that promote a compact, urban neighborhood land use pattern. Residential, office, commercial, industrial, and hotel uses are planned, as well as open space, greenways, water, squares, and pedestrian paths.
This is just a sample of our work. Please contact us for a full list of projects and services.